Many White Evangelical Christians Support Their Own Sharia Law
In the last installment, we discussed how many white evangelical Christians view the Bible as the inerrant, unquestionable truth. Today‘s installment covers how they translate that dogma into the Bible-as-ultimate-authority.
Many white evangelical Christians believe the Bible is the ultimate law by which to govern. It supersedes any law written by Man.
Do an online search for should a Christian obey God’s law or Man’s law, and you will find a tsunami of articles and opinions on this subject. As an illustration, the first four links I found are HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. A direct quote from the last link:
If there was a conflict between God’s law and Man’s law, a Christian would be advised to keep God’s Law. It would be better to go to jail than to rot in Hell. —
Evangelical Christians use their interpretation of Bible to justify this thinking. They often point to Acts 5:29:
But Peter and the apostles answered and said, We must obey God rather than men.